DogSafe® 201
Course Information
This course is designed to take the knowledge and skills learned in DOGSAFE® 101 and apply them to a real dog. Graduates of DOGSAFE® 101 attend with their own dogs.
Bring your patience and a sense of humour for this fun and interactive workshop!
All supplies included.
Hours: 2.5 hours
Maximum: 6 Dogs/8 students
Prerequisite: Valid DOGSAFE® 101 certificate
Minimum Age: 16 years/10 years if parent also enrolled
Location: Varies
Registration fee: $79 plus GST for one person/one dog or $99 plus GST for two people/one dog
Continuing Education Credits Approved By: CCPDT (2.25), IACP (2) and IAABC (2)
Certificates Awarded
Upon successful completion of the hands-on practical workshop, you will be granted a frame-ready, 8 1/2" x 11" DOGSAFE® certificate that you can be proud to show your family, friends and clients!
In DOGSAFE® 201, You will Learn How to:
• read canine body language• muzzle your dog with commercial and impromptu muzzles
• restrain your dog in a standing, sitting and laying down position
• transport your dog, with and without a stretcher
• take your dog's vital signs
• assess 3 other health tests
• practice proper positioning for artificial respiration (AR)
• practice proper positioning for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) - practice proper positioning for obstructed airway (choking)
• practice wound management, including bandaging eyes, ears, paws & tail
• assess for a bone or joint injury
This is all about hands-on practice with live dogs while under the supervision of a DOGSAFE® instructor. We do not force the dogs to do anything beyond their comfort zone and offer lots of intermissions and bathroom breaks.
Vaccination Requirements
All dogs must have vaccinations for canine distemper, canine parvovirus and rabies within the last three years. We also accept serum antibody titer tests.